#chetanpatil – Chetan Arvind Patil

Interactive T.V. System

One of the great strengths of the modern technology is how better today one make use of each pixel of screen to display useful and colorful contents. This strength can be further enhanced through the appropriate use of technology. We propose to develop and deploy a platform/module for Television. Such a platform/module should simplify the headache of using different screen for different purpose and put everything or most of the thing on Television screen which is now days just used for watching channels or at the most channels plus internet. This will promote more informed screen of television and will surely save cost by not investing in different display devices. Overall, it should provide the user with a better in house/office experience and should enhance out-of-class interactions. We are proposing to develop and deploy a platform/module. This will consist of any portable Television with a large display upon which numerous contents can be displayed and the DSP processor TMS320DM6446 which will be the base of driving all the contents apart from regular channels videos. This will allow user to watch television and also keep watch on other things by connecting home security, chat window internet, mobile, Audio/Video player. This platform/module should enhance the interactive TV experience. So we have provided various interfaces that are not available in the commercially available Television. As we are not targeting any particular class or set of television, all these features have been provided on a docking station which can be plugged into the device whenever required

Chetan Arvind Patil

Chetan Arvind Patil

                Hi, I am Chetan Arvind Patil (chay-tun – how to pronounce), a semiconductor professional whose job is turning data into products for the semiconductor industry that powers billions of devices around the world. And while I like what I do, I also enjoy biking, working on few ideas, apart from writing, and talking about interesting developments in hardware, software, semiconductor and technology.


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Opinions expressed here are my own and may not reflect those of others. Unless I am quoting someone, they are just my own views.



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